Tuesday, 26 June 2012

And they are in!

What can I say, today's transfer went really well, 2 of my embabies are now in my uterus and hopefully will make it their home for the next 9 months.

I'm so tired and I have a bad cough that I hope it will help implantation since I'm not allowed taking anything for it because I'm PUPO!!!

Bed rest is hard with a toddler jumping on the bed but I'm doing my best trying to take it easy.

It's done! I am finally here, there's nothing else I can do than hope 1 or 2 will stick and will become part of our beautiful family.

Thank you for all your lovely comments. I will POAS on the 8th of July which now seems so far away. But my wife doesn't want me to go into the POAS craze!


  1. YAY!! Congrats! I know what you mean with the beta test being SO far away. As soon as I got to work after five days at home it started going by really fast! Im praying and sending positive thoughts your way!!

  2. how exciting! rest up and before you know it good things will be coming your way! fingers crossed!!

  3. Come on little embabies!! Huge congrats on being PUPO! Xx

  4. Glad to hear they're finally in and all went well :). Good luck with the TWW!

  5. Who!ho! Thank you so much for all your comments, you guys are my best supporters and it makes me feel so good to read all your wishes! I'm sure my two embabies are getting so many positive vibes!
    Today my daughter was kissing my belly and saying babies babies! So cute! THanks again and baby vibes for all of us!
